Classic Performance Products Catalog Download

Classic Performance Product’s brand new reorganized catalog (#21) features full-color images, technical information, invaluable reference materials and hundreds of new parts and accessories for classic GM, Ford, Mopar cars and trucks and also introducing our new G-Body line. CPP, a leader in the steering, brakes and suspension industry for many decades, is proud to offer one of the most complete parts and accessories reference guide available on the market.


This catalog is overflowing with all the up-to-date parts you’ll need to improve the ride, handling and performance of your classic vehicle. All of Classic Performance’s parts are guaranteed for life! The catalog is $5, or free with purchase.

Classic Performance Product’s brand new reorganized catalog (#21) features full-color images, technical information, invaluable reference materials and hundreds of new parts and accessories for classic GM, Ford, Mopar cars and trucks and also introducing our new G-Body line. CPP, a leader in the steering, brakes and suspension industry for many decades, is proud to offer one of the most complete parts and accessories reference guide available on the market. This catalog is overflowing with all the up-to-date parts you’ll need to improve the ride, handling and performance of your classic vehicle. All of Classic Performance’s parts are guaranteed for life! The catalog is $5, or free with purchase.