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Rear Caddy 12 Point Caliper Lever For 4138/4139 Calipers

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Caliper Lever For CPPs 4138 and 4139 Calipers
The CPP Rear Caddy 12 Point Caliper Lever For 4138/4139 Calipers (Part Number 4138/39-LEVER) ensures precise caliper function. Designed for CPP's 4138 and 4139 models. Offers reliable performance and durability. Easy to install.
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Customer Questions
Can you put brake calipers on wrong?
Yes, on some vehicles, the caliper can be installed on the wrong side. Because you can't bleed off the air that builds at the top of the caliper, the bleeder screw will now be on the bottom, and you'll never have a firm pedal.
Why don't my brakes work after adding calipers?
One of the main reasons why your brakes don't work after adding calipers is because you have air in the line and need to bleed the brakes at all four wheels.
What happens if you don't grease calipers?
If all the friction points of your caliper go unlubricated the pads will not slide from side to side easily and you will more likely have pulsing brakes and intermittent brake drag noises. The drag noise is usually more apparent at low speeds.
Can dirty brake fluid cause calipers to stick?
Dirty brake fluid can result in the calipers sticking, cause uneven braking, and even in some cases cause brake failure. It's important to regularly check and maintain your brake fluid to ensure the safety and performance of your vehicle's braking system...
How do you reset a brake caliper?
You can reset your brake caliper by pushing a flat blade screwdriver in between the brake pads and twisting it. This will separate the brake pads and, in turn, push back the pistons to the reset position
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